Everybody had a speciality tuck. One of the things that made going back to the hostel fun was the anticipation of food that would come with your friends. DC got narkol nadus, coconut sweets made in jaggery; Amrita di's besan ke laddu was famous; Lakshmi got a delicious kuler aachar that the two of us finished in one sitting, once! Mothers would normally give tuck that lasted for at least ten days. It did. If you had no friends. Or had prudent ones. I remember DC rationing her narkol nadu & disapproving , 'shob ek diney kheye rekhe de', finish it all in one day. The tone had such authority & practical wisdom that you could not reach for the third one despite the saliva.
1. 1 cup wheat flour[will make 6-8]
2. 3/4 cup sugar/jaggery
3. 1/2 cup refined oil(for the dough)
4. 1/4 cup water
5. Chopped coconut- 2tsp
6. Aniseed- 1tsp
7. Raisins- 2tsp(optional)
8. Refined Oil- to deep fry thekua
How to:
1. Mix wheat flour, sugar, oil, aniseed, coconut pieces & raisins well. Knead without adding water. As you knead the mixture, the sugar gradually dissolves. Use water sparingly.
Insight : The secret of crisp thekuas lies in the kneading. Take time to do it.
Using coarse wheat flour is advisable. Use extra bran(chokar) if you can.
2. Make equal sized balls & press with a flat bottomed bowl to get a round flat shape.
Traditionally, thekuas are made on wooden moulds that have floral designs. Use one if you have it.

3. Deep fry the thekuas on medium heat till both sides turn golden brown.
Traditionally, thekuas are made on wooden moulds that have floral designs. Use one if you have it.
3. Deep fry the thekuas on medium heat till both sides turn golden brown.
Insight : Thekua will be soft when hot. It hardens when cool.
Store in air tight jar. Thekua has a shelf life of over 15 days. Provided the shelf is so high that the family cannot reach it!
The sugar granules cover the surface if your thekuas are done right. Look at the gorgeous colour & texture. Try it in February so by the time it's Chhatt, you are the best thekua maker in town!
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